Shipment type | Payment on account | Cash on delivery | FREE |
DPD - Express delivery | 100 CZK | 130 CZK | For purchases over CZK 1,000 |
DPD - Parecel shop | CZK 80 | 110 CZK | For purchases over CZK 1,000 |
EMS - Saturday delivery | 120 CZK | 120 CZK | For purchases over CZK 8,000 |
Czech Post - Package in hand | 90 CZK | 120 CZK | For purchases over CZK 1,000 |
Czech Post - Package for post | CZK 80 | 110 CZK | For purchases over CZK 1,000 |
Czech Post - Package for a packing house | CZK 50 | 70 CZK | For purchases over CZK 1,000 |
Transport to Slovakia | 250 CZK (9.8 €) | ---- | For purchases over 3,000 CZK (118 €) |
Personal collection | Free | Free | Free |
Transport other European countries | 500.- (19 €) | ---- | For purchases over CZK 10,000 (384€) |
Transport to Poland | CZK 250 ( 42 PLN ) | For purchases over CZK 3,000 ( 500 PLN ) |
You can pick up the goods free of charge (by prior telephone arrangement) at our store.
The address of the store is Jabloňová 1689/10, Karviná - Ráj, 734 01
If your residence is within 30 km of our store, we may deliver the goods to you in person.