Thanks to the visible color and the eye for attaching the guide, the plastic, easily washable collar is especially suitable for the DOG GPS search device. More information
Thanks to the visible color and the eye for attaching the guide, the plastic, easily washable collar is especially suitable for the DOG GPS search device.
Can also be used with D-control, D-control professional, D-fence.
Width 25 mm x length 70 cm.
Material: polyurethane-coated nylon in yellow .
The eye is not recommended for attaching the leash if you are going to suck this strap onto the training collar.
(In this case, there is a possibility of cracking the place where the strap is threaded through the box of the collar - in case the dog pulls extremely on the leash)
The leash can only be attached to the eye if you use a strap with DOG GPS receivers
Česká firma. Čeští zaměstnanci. Česká výroba.
Dogtrace je ryze česká firma, vybavená špičkovou technikou.
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