Others for electronic training collars D-control professional mini

The advantage of all electronic training collars from the Czech company DOGTRACE is that all spare parts can be obtained.

Our devices normally "live" 10 - 15 years and it is no exception that they are used for future generations of dogs.
For this reason, you will undoubtedly appreciate the availability of all spare parts that we keep in stock at all times.
Our devices are therefore literally immortal .

Items on page 9 | 15 | 17
GP SUPER Alkaline AAA battery More information  In stock GP SUPER Alkaline AAA battery GP SUPER Alkaline (AAA) 1.5 V battery Used for transmitters of d-control professional models and its variations. 1.08
Test glow More information  In stock Test glow Thanks to this glow plug, you can check at any time that your collar is working properly. 1.16
Screws M 2.5 x 16 mm More information  In Stock Screws M 2.5 x 16 mm Stainless steel screws M 2.5 x 16 mm for receiver cover d-mute small (d-mute small light), d-control mini, d-control professional mini Package: 4 pcs 1.16
Cord for hanging the transmitter on the neck More information  In stock Cord for hanging the transmitter on the neck Dogtrace cord for hanging the transmitter on the neck. The cord can be easily inserted through the hole on the bottom of the transmitter. 1.83
Seal under the rear cover of the d-control professional transmitter More information  In stock Seal under the rear cover of the d-control professional transmitter Seal under the rear cover of the d-control professional electronic collar transmitter box. 1.83
Gasket under the lid of the d-control professional receiver box More information  In stock Gasket under the lid of the d-control professional receiver box Seal under the rear cover of the d-control professional electronic collar transmitter box. 1.83
Gasket under the lid of the d-control professional mini receiver box More information  In Stock Gasket under the lid of the d-control professional mini receiver box Gasket under the rear cover of the electronic collar transmitter box of the d-control professional mini model. 1.83
Safety clip with button 20 mm (MINI) More information  In Stock Safety clip with button 20 mm (MINI) Plastic safety buckle, easy to wash. Sliding safety button that prevents unintentional release. Suitable for woven belts 20 mm wide. 2.59
Lithium battery CR2 3V More information  In Stock Lithium battery CR2 3V Package: 1pc Use for d-control, d-fence, d-mute receivers and their variations, transmitter d-control 400, 200 mini, easy, easy mini and their variations, mini d-ball transmitter, mini d-ball receiver. 3.98 3.59
Electrodes 12mm More information  In stock Electrodes 12mm Stainless steel contact points are suitable for receivers of electronic collars d-control, d-fence. Length 12 mm is suitable for breeds of dogs with short hair. (Not suitable for a range of d-mute barking collars) 3.75
Electrodes 17mm More information  In stock Electrodes 17mm Stainless steel contact points are suitable for receivers of electronic collars d-control, d-fence. Length 17 mm is suitable for breeds of dogs with longer hair. (Not suitable for a range of d-mute barking collars) 3.75
Electrodes 21mm More information  In stock Electrodes 21mm Stainless steel contact points are suitable for receivers of electronic collars d-control, d-fence. Length 21 mm is suitable for breeds of dogs with long hair. (Not suitable for a range of d-mute barking collars) 3.75
Collar box lid d-control profession mini transparent More information  In Stock Collar box lid d-control profession mini transparent Transparent lid of the electronic collar receiver box suitable for d-control professional mini models. Especially suitable for models with a choice of light. The package does not contain a seal under the lid. 3.79
Electronic collar cover More information Electronic collar cover Electronic collar cover, size S. The cover with the dogtrace logo is used to hide the electronic collar receiver on the dog's neck. The cover is made of waterproof rubber, the size is adjusted to 45 - 60 cm neck circumference, the width of the cover is about 11 cm, both sides are tightened with an elastic band. from 3.92 -20%
Kryt místo hrotů na elektronický obojek More information  In Stock Kryt místo hrotů na elektronický obojek Tyto 2 krytky se nasouvají na stejné šroubky kam se šroubují kontaktní hroty. 
Můžete tedy používat elektronický obojek i bez nasazených hrotů.
Součástí balení jsou 2ks krytek.
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