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On foot Ringo More information On foot Ringo On foot is a basic and in practice indispensable tool for practicing bites. It can also be used as a reward or motivation when practicing districts or some obedience exercises, or you can just drag with your dog for fun. from 4.14
Interactive foam balloon on a string More information Interactive foam balloon on a string The interactive foam balloon is made of a solid patented foam material. The soft and extremely durable foam that your dog can bite safely guarantees a great reflection of the balloon. The balloon is strung on a solid nylon cord, which allows it to be thrown farther than when you throw your hand. The balloon also floats on water. from 8.33
FOAM circle More information FOAM circle Interactive foam toys are made of foam material. Soft and extremely durable foam that your dog can safely bite. All interactive foam toys are halved. The products do not contain any latex, vinyl or phthalates. from 8.29
FOAM ball with string More information FOAM ball with string Interactive foam toys are made of foam material. Soft and extremely durable foam that your dog can safely bite. The products do not contain any latex, vinyl or phthalates. All these training / interactive toys are floating from 7.53
Easy Glider foam flying saucer More information Easy Glider foam flying saucer EasyGlider foam flying saucers are very easy to throw straight and far, even for beginners. from 9.80
Silicone ball with a hole for food More information Silicone ball with a hole for food Extremely durable, but soft ball, is ideal for feeding your dog or feeding in the form of a game. from 9.44
Chain collar DeLuxe, gold More information Chain collar DeLuxe, gold Highly elegant chain collars. The collars are made of bronze alloy, chrome-plated finish. from 5.26
Chain collar DeLuxe, silver More information Chain collar DeLuxe, silver Highly elegant chain collars. The collars are made of bronze alloy, chrome-plated finish from 5.26
AirDog whistling tennis ball More information  In stock AirDog whistling tennis ball The KONG AirDog Squeakair tennis ball combines two popular dog toys - a tennis ball and whistling toys - to create the perfect catch toy. The whistling ball is ideal for playing or fetching. Your dog will know that game time is approaching as soon as you whistle. 1.83
Wooden retrieval barbell More information Wooden retrieval barbell The wooden retrieval barbell is excellent for practicing retrieving hunting dogs, but also as a natural toy for your dog, which will definitely smell good. from 2.99
NEON strap collar More information NEON strap collar The collar is made of a distinctive NEON strap, it is very soft and comfortable. The joints are stitched and thus achieve maximum strength. The collar is suitable for small and medium breeds of dogs. from 3.19
Interactive foam balloon More information Interactive foam balloon The interactive foam balloon is made of a solid patented foam material. The soft and extremely durable foam, which your dog can bite safely, guarantees a great reflection of the balloon. The balloon also floats on water. from 3.75
Pešek HAMER, knitwear More information  In stock Pešek HAMER, knitwear Braided rope in the shape of a pawn with a loop for pulling. 4.86
Barbed collar cover without side More information Barbed collar cover without side Professional barbed collar cover without side. 2 variants: - 2.5 x 42 cm - 3 x 46 cm (can be used for all collar lengths) from 5.62
Leather ball More information Leather ball The balls are made of black and colored leather, sewn, there is wadding inside. The diameter of the ball is about 8 cm. from 6.02
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