
Contact points - electrodes 10 mm (extended) More information  In Stock Contact points - electrodes 10 mm (extended) Extended 10 mm long stainless steel contact points are suitable for electronic collars against unwanted barking (d-mute series). 3.94 3.78
GPS silicone bushing More information GPS silicone bushing Replacement silicone bushing. We supply in two colors - black or orange. This silicone bushing is used to attach the antenna to the belt. Two to three pieces in a row can be threaded on the belt. from 3.94
GPS X20 / X30 collar box lid More information  In Stock GPS X20 / X30 collar box lid This lid is intended for models X20 and X30, if your old lid is damaged. It is also suitable for X30T models if you do not want to use the training module. 5.94
Protective cover of the transmitter (collar) for GPS More information Protective cover of the transmitter (collar) for GPS Protective cover of the transmitter (collar) for GPS X20 / X30 / X30T or GPS X30B / X30TB, protects the device in demanding conditions from scratches and damage. The cover is made of high-quality solid material. Easy zip fastening. Color: black or orange (depending on the model) Before adding the goods to the basket, please select the variant according to the model. Material: polyester (Machine washable at max. Temperature 30 ° C. The product must not be tumble dried!) 7.93
Protective cover of the transmitter (collar) for GPS More information Protective cover of the transmitter (collar) for GPS Protective cover of the transmitter (collar) for GPS X20 / X30 / X30T or GPS X30B / X30TB, protects the device in demanding conditions from scratches and damage. The cover is made of high-quality solid material. Easy zip fastening. Color: black or orange (depending on the model) Before adding the goods to the basket, please select the variant according to the model. Material: polyester (Machine washable at max. Temperature 30 ° C. The product must not be tumble dried!) 7.93
Shipping bag More information  In stock Shipping bag Carrying case for DOG GPS search devices or other training sets. 13.14
Power adapter with USB cable and clip More information  In Stock Power adapter with USB cable and clip Replacement power adapter with USB cable and GPS clip. 13.90
Dual power adapter with USB cables and clips More information  In stock Dual power adapter with USB cables and clips Replacement dual power adapter with USB cables and GPS clips. 15.89
Replacement RF antenna - DOG GPS for the collar More information  In stock Replacement RF antenna - DOG GPS for the collar Replacement RF antenna - DOG GPS for the collar. 15.89
RF antenna - DOG GPS for handheld devices More information  In Stock RF antenna - DOG GPS for handheld devices Replacement RF antenna - DOG GPS for handheld devices 15.89
Ochranný kryt přijímače - ručního zařízení pro DOG GPS More information NOVELTY  In stock Ochranný kryt přijímače - ručního zařízení pro DOG GPS Ochranný kryt pro přijímač DOG GPS. Silikonový kryt je příjemný na dotek a ochrání ruční zařízení před poničením, znečištěním. Na spodní straně krytu je otvor, kterým lze provléknout šňůrku DOG GPS pro zavěšení přijímače na… 15.89
GPS vest More information Free transport GPS vest + FREE AirDog whistling tennis ball Warning vest with excellent visibility. The chest is protected by a kelvar fabric, which reduces the risk of injury to the chest from sharp branches. 71.30
X30T training module More information Free transport  In Stock X30T training module Training module for DOG GPS X30. Thanks to this module, you get additional functions: 15 levels of stimulation pulse and a locating light for recognizing a dog in the dark. 79.63
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