Fetch, dumbbells and walking

Don't know how to seize a dog?

Start the exercise with a barbell or fetch. It is a suitable way to keep the dog in good condition for mental and physical aspects. Someone uses a pawn, a stick or just a barbell to practice retrieving. It's up to you which variant you choose.

When choosing a fetch, make sure that it is suitable for your dog - size and weight. A small dog has other options than a large one.

Items on page 9 | 15 | 21
On foot Ringo More information On foot Ringo On foot is a basic and in practice indispensable tool for practicing bites. It can also be used as a reward or motivation when practicing districts or some obedience exercises, or you can just drag with your dog for fun. from 4.14
Určeno pro: IGP1, IGP2, IGP3, IGP-ZTP
from 7.17
Wooden retrieval barbell More information Wooden retrieval barbell The wooden retrieval barbell is excellent for practicing retrieving hunting dogs, but also as a natural toy for your dog, which will definitely smell good. from 2.99
Plastic retrieval barbell More information Plastic retrieval barbell The barbell is made of strong and durable plastic and is floating. It is used as a training aid. from 3.75
Pešek HAMER, knitwear More information  In stock Pešek HAMER, knitwear Braided rope in the shape of a pawn with a loop for pulling. 4.86
Pešek s uchem More information Novelty Pešek s uchem Pešek zhotovený z velmi pevného a voděodolného materiálu určený pro výcvik psů. Disponuje uchem pro uchycení. Vhodný pro střední a velká plemena. Vyberte si ze tří barevných provedení. from 4.90
Leather ball More information Leather ball The balls are made of black and colored leather, sewn, there is wadding inside. The diameter of the ball is about 8 cm. from 6.02
On foot jute with an ear More information On foot jute with an ear On foot are made of natural material - JUTA. The pawn is hard and cannot be squeezed. It is suitable for carrying, fetching, for a reward. We supply in two sizes. from 6.34
On foot Ringo, size L, 2 ears More information  In stock On foot Ringo, size L, 2 ears On foot is a basic and in practice indispensable tool for practicing bites. It can also be used as a reward or motivation when practicing districts or some obedience exercises, or you can just drag with your dog for fun. 7.13
Jute foot with handle, size XL More information  Temporarily unavailable Jute foot with handle, size XL On foot are made of natural material - JUTA. The pawn is hard, it can't be squeezed. It is suitable for carrying, fetching, for a reward. 7.53
Jute ball with courier More information  In stock Jute ball with courier The balls are made of natural material - JUTA. The ball is hard and cannot be squeezed. It is suitable for carrying, fetching, for a reward. 7.89
Foam dumbbell More information Foam dumbbell Beautifully light dumbbell for fetch training, not only during obedience training. Literally a bite! The foam is great because it makes no noise when the barbell falls - which will be welcomed by neighbors and more sensitive hairs. from 7.93
On foot Ringo, size XL, 2 ears More information  Temporarily unavailable On foot Ringo, size XL, 2 ears On foot is a basic and in practice indispensable tool for practicing bites. It can also be used as a reward or motivation when practicing districts or some obedience exercises, or you can just drag with your dog for fun. 9.96
On foot jute with 2 handles, XXL More information  In stock at the supplier On foot jute with 2 handles, XXL On foot are made of natural material - JUTA. The pawn is hard, it can't be squeezed. It is suitable for carrying, pulling, for a reward. 10.96
Wooden dumbbell More information Wooden dumbbell Wooden barbell made of durable wood for training retrieval and holding. Thanks to the colors, it also looks good from a distance. from 11.91
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