Electronic training collar d-control 500 mini

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Impulse, Sound, Range 500m, For 1 dog with the possibility of 2, Waterproof receiver More information

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The electronic training collar d-control 500 mini is suitable for small breeds of dogs with a range of up to 500 m thanks to weaker impulses, small dimensions and low weight of the receiver.

The transmitter has a sound function , a pacing pulse with a level of 0 - 30 and an adjustable continuous pulse ( booster function), where you can set any intensity of the pacing pulse before you have selected the pacing pulse button . Transmission and low battery are shown on the backlit display.

The intensity of stimulation impulses in mini models is weaker compared to d-control collars, but also sufficient for medium and large breeds with average sensitivity in standard situations. It may not be enough to solve crisis situations in resistant breeds.


Package contents D-control 500 mini:

  • waterproof receiver with blue woven strap without eye (75 cm)
  • remote control with belt clip
  • glow test
  • 1x CR2 3V battery, 2 x AA pencil batteries - (average endurance in the receiver is 6 months, in the controller 12 months)
  • contact points 12 and 17 mm
  • cord for hanging the transmitter on the neck
  • DVD Dog training using an electronic training collar
  • instructions in the Czech language
  • certificate - warranty extension for 3 years


General features of the D-control 500 mini:

  • the receiver measures 61 × 40 × 31 mm and weighs only 44 g
  • perfectly waterproof receiver
  • the receiver has a built-in magnetic ON / OFF system - the receiver is switched on or off by simply attaching the transmitter to the receiver
  • checking the state of batteries at the receiver and transmitter (flashing red - green on the receiver, appears on the display)
  • separate button for audio signal transmission
  • optional pacing pulse level setting (0-19)
  • Battery life is up to 12 months depending on usage
  • backlit LCD display to show the amount of pacing pulse, transmission and battery discharge
  • possibility to use for training two dogs at once - there is a button to switch dog A and B
  • range up to 500 m in the open
  • contact points for long-haired and short-haired dogs
  • the transmitters have a clip for hanging on a belt
  • the transmitter measures 119 x 53 x 28 mm and weighs 88 g


With Dogtrace training collars it is very easy and fast to teach a dog:

  • walking at the foot without a leash
  • reliable summoning (commands "to me", "to the leg")
  • interruption of unwanted activity ("yikes", "you must not")
  • teaching bad habits in everyday coexistence with people, eg taking food from the table, jumping on people, raking, unwanted barking, etc.
  • precise training of practically every operation, when the dog must perform it accurately and reliably, as if he were on a leash - while eliminating the dependence on the line. The dog knows very well when he is on the line and adapts his behavior to it
  • learning from the pursuit of game and moving away from your master in nature - and thus exposing yourself to the problems and dangers associated with it. It provides more freedom for your dog, who can move with the collar completely freely even where it would not otherwise be possible or safe.
  • special activities and commands for service, hunting, sports or other training, use directly during hunting to communicate with your dog.


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